Is My Organisation Exempt From the Spam Act?

Today, data is an important product for all types of organisations.

Annual wage growth surges to 14-year high of 4%

UPDATED: Hardworking Australians deserve higher wages, the Treasurer says.

FBT – Christmas Parties and Taxi Fare/Rideshare

Some employers, who are commendably anxious to protect their employees and clients from the drink/driving laws, also pay for taxis/rideshare to and from the place of entertainment.


Average refund plummets by $580, total payout down $5.4bn

UPDATED: The end of LMITO and revised WFH rules have taken billions out of refunds, ATO figures reveal.

A 2023 Advent Calendar for our clients

Come back each day and click on the next date for more inspirational and Christmas quotes.

Record low invoice values ‘reveal inflation sting’

The latest CreditorWatch data shows small businesses are being hardest hit by rising prices and interest rates.


Most powerful countries throughout time.

Check out the most powerful countries in every century.

Business owners are seeking exits without a plan, survey finds

Accounting firm William Buck warns most owners are “flying blind” when it comes to maximising the value of their business at the point of sale.

Completing the Sale of a Business

Selling a business involves several steps, moving parts and legal documents.

Scams by numbers – 2022–23 scam data is now available

Did you know that your clients aged between 35-44 are the most likely to pay money to a scammer?

Using the cents per kilometre method for claiming car expenses

The cents per kilometre method is a simple way to work out how much you can deduct for car-related work or business expenses.

I am making a profit but where does all the cash go?

Many small business-owners experience this feeling when they look at their books.  You work hard, money comes in but it all just seems to disappear.  Why?