Businesses not meeting obligations warned as ATO restarts compliance programs
The ATO has warned businesses not staying up to date with their obligations that it may impact their eligibility for future stimulus measures, as the Tax Office readies to recommence its work to address key risks to the tax and super system.

Comprehensive list of COVID-19 initiatives and packages.
The response by our Governments to the COVID-19 crisis has been a very good one. Following is a comprehensive listing of links to important Federal and State initiatives and programs since the pandemic began.

Part 3 – Budget reminders. Under the Hood.
The 2020 Federal Budget was one of the most far reaching and complex ever brought in. This is the first of three articles to remind us of important topics the budget addressed.

Part 2 – Budget reminders. Under the Hood.
The 2020 Federal Budget was one of the most far reaching and complex ever brought in. This is the second of three articles to remind us of important topics the budget addressed.

Part 1 – Budget reminders. Under the Hood.
The 2020 Federal Budget was one of the most far reaching and complex ever brought in. This is the first of three articles to remind us of important topics the budget addressed.

Budget 2020 – A very comprehensive break down.
The following 35 links break the 2020 Federal Budget down into bite size bits.

Budget 2020 – Fact Sheets
The following links are to Fact Sheets that describe in detail how the Federal Government feels the 2020 Budget will impact you.

Budget 2020 – At a Glance, Overview, Outlook
These three areas cover all you will need to know but the accompanying two articles cover more specific topics and they might help you better understand how the Budget affects you.

Temporary home office expenses shortcut extended again
The 80 cents per hour work-from-home deduction method has now been extended for a further three months to the end of the year.

JobKeeper extension – changes implemented
The legislative instrument implementing the changes to the JobKeeper scheme over the extended period was registered on 15 September 2020.

JobKeeper Participants – are “workers”
Although JobKeeper has been in place for many months and is now scaling back, all eligible participants may not have enrolled. The program is targeted to workers in the broad sense.

Commissioner registers updated JobKeeper alternative tests
The Commissioner of Taxation has now released the updated alternative decline in turnover tests for the JobKeeper extension.